Technology is broadly understood to be the application of scientific knowledge to practical aims involving human activity and the alteration and manipulation of the natural environment. It encompasses a broad range of activities, from the early prehistorical conversion of raw materials into simple tools to the modern creation of artificial intelligence and cyborgs. It also includes the complex manufacturing techniques and industries that have developed to support and maintain more advanced technologies. Throughout history, the relationship between technology and culture (sometimes called techne in Latin) has been described as symbiotic and co-dependent.
Electronic technology refers to a wide range of devices that use electric power to process and transmit information. The most familiar examples of this category include laptops, tablets, mobile phones, printers and communication systems such as the internet and satellite networks.
Digital technologies also refer to a wide range of software applications that help people perform tasks like writing, editing and managing data. This category also includes virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications, which allow users to experience virtual or mixed-reality environments.
Educational technology is the use of computers and other electronic tools to improve learning and teaching for students and teachers. This technology helps to make education fun and exciting for students and increases their interest in the subject they are studying. It also allows students to share information with each other globally, which increases their collaboration and teamwork skills.
One of the most significant benefits of using technological tools in education is that it reduces the need for physical resources such as paper books, boards and planners, thus saving money for schools. This technology also encourages environmental sustainability among students and teachers.