Team sport is a group activity in which players participate together to achieve an objective, typically by facilitating the movement of a ball or other object according to a set of rules. Examples include soccer, basketball, and hockey.
The benefits of team sport are many, including fostering a sense of belonging and providing a supportive community for children and teens. It also teaches them social skills that they will use later in life, such as communication and cooperation.
One of the most important social aspects of team sports is the presence of group norms that members are expected to follow and abide by (Crosbie, 1975). For example, members are encouraged to report to practice sessions on time and work strenuously during competitions in order to achieve their teams’ goals.
These norms are established in such a way as to provide the participants with a sense of what is appropriate and unacceptable behavior within the context of their group involvement (Carron & Eys, 2012). On the other hand, individuals who violate these norms may be punished through verbal denigration, ostracism, or even expulsion from the team.
In addition, team sport participants can be provided with a wide array of other advantages, such as physical fitness and a greater understanding of other people’s strengths and weaknesses. These advantages can help them develop healthy relationships with others and lead to more positive outcomes in their lives.