How to Write About Fashion



Throughout history, the clothes people wore were often a way to tell others about their social status and occupation. They also reflected the cultural values of a time.

Today, people choose to dress in a manner that expresses their personality. They may also want to fit in with other people who share their values.

How to Write About Fashion

Whether your story stars a fashionable protagonist or not, pay attention to the clothing in your world. Doing so will enrich your writing.

Use fashion terms and jargon to make your work more authentic.

* Read fashion magazines and watch fashion shows. This will help you get a feel for the industry.

Visit thrift stores and flea markets for inexpensive bits of iconic fashion to use in your paper.

The Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is a multibillion-dollar global enterprise that manufactures, sells, and distributes clothing and accessories. It is a major source of employment, particularly in the United States.

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