Law is a framework for regulating human interactions that provides the foundation for societies to function effectively and peaceably. It serves a number of key purposes including establishing standards, maintaining order, resolving disputes and protecting liberties and rights.
The precise definition of law is the subject of considerable debate and there are many different interpretations. Despite this, all legal systems share some common features. A central feature is the separation of power between legislative, executive and judicial branches. This means that no one branch has the ability to act without oversight from another, which is essential for preserving democracy.
A law can be either an agreement or a set of rules that are enforced by the state. It can be imposed by a legislature through statutes and regulations, by the executive through decrees and directives or established by judges through their rulings (in common law jurisdictions). Private individuals can also create binding contracts that are legally recognized as being “law” in a court of law. In common law countries, the decisions of higher courts often bind lower courts by virtue of the doctrine of precedent, or stare decisis.
The word “law” is related to the Old Norse word lag, meaning fixed tune or laid down rule. The law lays out rules that are considered to be correct for a society and that are generally followed, unless there is a reason to do otherwise. For example, the law might prohibit a particular activity such as prostitution because it can harm people in some way and is considered immoral.