A relationship is a bond between two people who share interests and values. In a healthy relationship, there is equality and mutual respect. Relationships offer many benefits, including emotional support and companionship, practical assistance with chores, errands, and childcare, and a sense of belonging and security. In addition, positive relationships are associated with lower production of cortisol, a stress hormone, and can provide inspiration to make healthy lifestyle changes.
There are many different types of relationships, and the terms that are used to describe them vary by culture, belief system, and location. Taking the time to understand the different terminology can help you better communicate about your relationship status, history, and future goals.
Relationships are a crucial aspect of most people’s lives. While everyone’s needs are unique, some common benefits of relationships include:
Emotional support – Romantic partners and close friends can offer emotional support that provides a sense of belonging and security. They can also help us cope with life’s challenges.
Practical support – Family members, spouses, and other significant others can provide practical assistance with chores, errands, or childcare that can lighten one’s workload. They can also offer a safety net and financial security.
Many people value their connections with friends and family above all else, and they may not consider a romantic relationship as a major component of their well-being. However, if toxic dynamics are present, they can negatively impact mental health and even put one’s physical safety at risk.